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Acronychal Ritual

Ceremony Of Thirteen Black Witches

From the forest
I hear my name
The wind rustles the leaves
My name is being called

Into the darkness I descend
Further into the abyss I wander

From far beyond the trees
I see...
Bright light shining
Electricity fills the air

I creep through the wilderness
Focusing on the light
Being drawn towards it

The forest is ablaze
Surrounded by light
Through the trees
I see...
A circle of twelve dark figures

Their pale skin reflects the light
I am blind
Their long dark locks surround me
I am bound
I am drawn into the circle
The ceremony begins

Ceremony Of Thirteen Black Witches de Acronychal Ritual, letra de la canción Ceremony Of Thirteen Black Witches de Acronychal Ritual. Subir una canción