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Agony Column


The alligator's got me by the leg
He bites down tighter
I start to beg
Missionary cookin' in the big black pot
Corn meal's dryin' on the pounding rock
I said oh mister alligator
Let me go
Cause my momma's callin' and my supper's cold

All day long i just sit and stare
Until it got that time
I didn't go nowhere
I can't wait
It tastes great
I gotta go it's suppertime

Shortcut home through the alley out back
Leather gang switchblade attack
They hit me hard and i take the fall
With tearin' eyes i start to bawl
I said oh mister gang leader let me go
Cause my momma's callin and my supper's cold

All day long i just sit and stare
Until it got that time
I didn't go nowhere
I can't wait
It tastes great
I gotta go it's suppertime

Chicken fried rattlesnake
Possum pie
Goat's head soup
And them ole black eyes
Get outta my way
Unless you want to die
Cause my momma's callin' and it's suppertime

Suppertime de Agony Column, letra de la canción Suppertime de Agony Column. Subir una canción