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Destination Anywhere

It's Going Down

It seems like no one else around
When I feel so frustrated.
Not in the light not in the sound
But when it's gone I hate it
And when I'm down I can't deny
That no one else can read my mind
The days a weeks are going by

And I'm alone it's going down
And I feel lost I can't be found
I'm in the dark I'm in the clouds
Fall in the ocean I cannot drown
It's going down

All my intentions all I own
It seems like no one saves it
A quarter of my life is gone
I'm desperate I can't help it
And when I'm down I can't deny
That no one else can read my mind
The days a weeks are going by

And I'm alone it's going down
And I feel lost I can't be found
I'm in the dark I'm in the clouds
Fall in the ocean I cannot drown
It's going down
It's going down!

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