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Tam Tam Go

Norma Jean

I can see your eyes opened
I can feel the sweetness of your carved lips
I know your picture is on the wall
I know it's always hanging on

Diamons are girl's best frien
Sometimes help, sometimes throw you headlong to the end
I know your picture is on the wall
I know it's always hanging on

But I rely on you
When I need love
Norma Jean
I need love

I can see your golden dreams
I can feel a drop sliding dowm your skin
I know your picture is on the wall
I know it's always hanging on

But I rely on you
When I need love
Norma Jean
I need love

I can see your blond hair hazy
I can give ny heart to you at "bus stop"
I know your picture is on the wall
I know it's always hanging on

But I rely on you
When I need love
Norma Jean
I need love

Norma Jean de Tam Tam Go, letra de la canción Norma Jean de Tam Tam Go. Subir una canción