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Unexpurgated Reality

They say time changes all
They say all of us are equal
They have hidden thoughts
Trampling on my hopes


Different places
Different faces
Snobbery reigns
Hypocrisy's mates


Unexpurgated reality

My opinion doesn't count
I have no soul, i have no body
They control me, they control you
I hear nothing, i see nothing

(normal vocals) (corneliu):

I have my dreams
I own my sins
I keep me free
I live my hell

(lead): corneliu

My life is no longer mine
They've taken it
But i am stronger
I can kill them all!


Unexpurgated reality
They deny me, i can free you!

Unexpurgated Reality de W.E.B., letra de la canción Unexpurgated Reality de W.E.B.. Subir una canción