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X- Press 2

As the Deer

As the Deer Pants For the Water,
So My Soul Longs After You.
You Alone Are My Heart's Desire,
And I Long to Worship You.

You Alone Are My Strength, My Shield;
To You Alone May My Spirit Yield.
You Alone Are My Heart's Desire,
And I Long to Worship You.

You're My Friend and You Are My Brother
Even Though You Are a King.
I Love You More Than Any Other,
So Much More Than Anything.

I Want You More Than Gold Or Silver,
Only You Can Satisfy.
You Alone Are the Real Joy Giver,
And the Apple of My Eye.

As the Deer de X- Press 2, letra de la canción As the Deer de X- Press 2. Subir una canción